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What a beautiful blessing you are my brother Deon and a much needed catch up tonight. Thank you for your loving advice tonight my brother it meant more than you'll ever know. Just remember WE are not alone. If you always do what you've you've always done, your always get what you've always gotten ?#safemansafefamily#AotearoaNewZealand #easternbayofplenty#RedemptionJourney #UncoverDiscoverRecover ... See MoreSee Less
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Tonight 6:30 pm 8b Merritt street Whakatane. ... See MoreSee Less
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Well the call went out for a catch up with the brothers after a much needed break and no one came tonight lol. At least I can say I was not alone tonight especially with my one and only best friend for life right by my side everytime no matter what situation... My wife Marama Pouwhare. Thank you my beautiful wife for your endless love and support.#safemansafefamily#eastenbayofplenty#AotearoaNewZealand#redemptionjouney#UncoverDiscoverRecover ... See MoreSee Less
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Supported by Have a Heart Charitable Trust since 2019

Do you or someone you know want a new journey in life, violence free?

We are Safe Man Safe Family EBOP.

We are here to support men who struggle with life issues on a daily basis and so happy to announce that we are starting the support group for Men every Wednesday night down Goulstone Road, Whakatane right next to the canteen noodles shop at 6:30pm.

Together we become stronger and will overcome the challenges we men face on a daily basis. You will never feel alone because your not alone we all struggle each and every day and things will get better if it’s what you truly want?

Never give up.

For more enquiries please contact us on 022 574 3401 open 24/7

Facilitators – David Pouwhare and Wharenui Tuna

David Pouwhare

My name is David Pouwhare, 51 Years old and I grew up in Whakatane.

I’m an ex gang member of the Black Power for 26yrs. Qualified perpetrator and violent criminal of 27 years. Highest domestic violence call outs between 2010 to 2013.

NOW, I’m an example of what change and hope looks like.

Wharenui Tuna

Vic Tamati

Founder and Trustee

Safe Man Safe Family


Safe Man Safe Family was founded in 2009 by ex victim and ex-perpetrator of violence, Vic Tamati. After living the painful journey from childhood victim to adult perpetrator in vivid technicolour – delinquency, drugs, gang membership, prison – Vic finally broke free of his life of violence and has been on a journey of recovery ever since.

Over this time, he has developed a stopping violence programme that genuinely engages those who are caught up in lifestyle violence – a peer-led solution that recognises that perpetrators of violence have often previously been victims.

Safe Man Safe Family is committed to walking with perpetrators of any ethnicity or faith on their journey to become violence free.