The Yeah Nah it’s Not OK Eastern Bay of Plenty Song Quest is organised by the EBOP Family Safety Events Committee and the Have a Heart Charitable Trust, plus a big group of volunteers from all walks of life.
Our Quest is to find an ORIGINAL SONG with a POSITIVE MESSAGE against all VIOLENCE.
This FREE community event showcases Eastern Bay of Plenty’s talented youths perform ORIGINAL SONGS AGAINST VIOLENCE, and there are always spot prizes up for grabs!
2023 Date to be confirmed!
Overall Winner: Harete Burnett from Edgecumbe College.
With her song and superb voice “Here for you” – winning up to 8 hours recording Studio Time & a music video courtesy of Outlet Productions, and $500 Vouchers sponsored by Family Works Northern.
Outstanding Performance : Te Rii Pirihi of Opotiki.
With a flawless performance with her song “It’s not Ok “, winning $500 vouchers.
Outstanding Lyrics : Pineaha Reign from Matata Public School
One of the youngest contestants, at just 12 years of age, Pineaha wowed the Judges with his confidence and his Rap entitled “Different Reflections”, winning $500 vouchers
New this year – the People’s Choice Award
Voted for by the audience of the evening went to Harete Burnett – prize an acoustic guitar.
Past Events
Overall Winner: Te Rii Pirihi
From Opotiki with her catchy song and superb voice “Violence is not the Key” – winning up to 8 hours recording Studio Time & a music video courtesy of Outlet Productions, and $700 Vouchers sponsored by Mr Kebab.
Outstanding Performance: Made Alive
Kauri Jackson, Sophie Van Der Gulick, Christian Van Der Gulick, Bleyne Heberley, Jalen Heberley for their song “Victim of Love” , winning $500 vouchers sponsored by Mr Kebab
Outstanding Lyrics: The Smorgasbord Experience
Keegan Armstrong, Benjamin Jackson, Irimako Knez, Darwin Lambourne, Matthew Lloyd with their song “In the Wake”, winning $500 vouchers sponsored by Mr Kebab
Overall Winners : Manawa Tūkaha
Ahurangi Tamahou, Awhina Taramai, Waiata Te Pairi, Taruke Rangawhenua and Mansa Kaio from Te Kura Kaupapa Motuhake O Tawhiuau with their winning song “Live this Way”. Winners of the very first Yeah Nah It’s not Ok EBOP Song Quest in 2013 were Manawa Toa from the same school. Ages 13 to 16 years.
Supported by their Music Teacher, George Pouwhare and a massive contingent of whanau who made the effort to travel from Murupara.
Prize: 8 hours of recording studio time, sponsored by Outlet Productions, to turn their winning song ‘Live this Way’ into a CD, plus time on location to make a music video.
Outstanding Lyrics: Miss Pania
Aged 16 from Trident High School in Whakatane, with her song “Judgement” with the Judges commending her on the relevance of her words for young people today. Huge thanks to her music mentors Martin Tai and Mrs Osbourne, music teacher at Trident High School. Received 4 hours of recording studio time, a microphone and amplifier, sponsored by Family Works Northern and Hunting And Fishing goodies.
Outstanding Performance: The Smorgasbord Experience
Keegan Armstrong, Benjamin Jackson, Irimako Knez, Darwin Lambourne, and Matthew Lloyd from Trident High School with their song, “Behind Closed Doors”. They won 2 microphones with stands, a guitar, sponsored by Family Works Northern and a 2 hour session for the group on a Flight Simulator, sponsored by Aero Hire in Whakatane, plus some Hunting & Fishing goodies.
Overall Winners: Harmonics
Aneska Marks & Te Arahina Webster Yr 10 Students from Edgecumbe College. Their winning song “Say NO to violence”. Prize: $400 Music Vouchers for Outlet Productions, Studio time at Outlet Productions, where their song will be turned into a CD and then played on local radio stations.
Strong Performance: M.R
Niharau Smith & Ray Charles from Kawerau, 16 & 18 years of age. Their winning song “Loud and Proud”. Prize: $200 Music Vouchers for Outlet Productions and an Alvarez Sunburst Guitar with Strap and Case.
Strong Lyrics: Hohepa Waenga
Solo artist from Kawerau, 15 years of age. Attends Tarawera High School. Was part of Maori Boys in Action, who won the Strong Performance Category last year. His song entitled “Reaching for the Sky”. Prize: $200 Music Vouchers for Outlet productions and 2 tickets to see Ed Sheeran in Auckland in December.
Strong Musical Arrangement: Opposed Trend
Rock Band from Whakatane. Rebecca Barton, Tyson Turnbull, Morgana Gray, Brodie Miller. 16, 17, 16, 18 years of age. Recently performed at the Smokefree Rock Quest. Attend Whakatane High School. Their song entitled “Tear stained Page”.
Overall Winner : Reon Mahalia
Aged 17 yrs old from Whakatane, with her song ”I don’t wanna live like this”
Summary: About someone in and then surviving an abusive relationship
Strong Lyrics: Trilliont
trio of Hoani, TJ and Pania from Whakatane with their song “Tears in the Rain”. Pania was our youngest entrant at just 13 years of age. Their song was about being bullied and family violence
Strong Vocal: Dora
sings about finding self confidence and self worth and being true to yourself and not conforming to pressure from society and peers.
Strong Performance : Maori Boys in Action
with their awesome rap about violence in whanau and bullying
Entrant Info
TBA: Closing date for Registrations
TBA: Words/translation, intro video & backing tracks due in
TBA: Show time!!
- As entrants you need to friend our facebook page so we can keep you updated. As the event evolves changes may occur and new exciting things will happen – these changes will be added to our Facebook page
The Liberty Centre,
65 Wairaka Road,
We have booked the entire venue for the Event. Please take care of the venue and look after your belongings. There is onsite parking. Food and drink will also be provided for entrants, including a post event meal.
Entry Rules
Entry Rules:
- Persons involved in the organisation and/or judging of the song quest are not eligible to enter the competition.
- You can only enter once into the Song Quest
- You can be a soloist, a duet or a band of up to 6 people & you must all be between the ages of 11 to 19 years at the time of the Song Quest.
- Your songs can be in any genre (from rap to reggae, rock to opera) and can be in any language, provided a translation is given.
- Your songs can be in any language, must have a positive message promoting violence free Communities and contain appropriate language (i.e. no swearing).
- Each Entry is required to provide a video clip of themselves as an introduction. It needs to be approx. 30 seconds. Your video needs to include your band name, who you are and the titles of your songs. Please also include some background about your original song – i.e. why you choose that topic/words/theme etc. This will be played as you enter stage right.
- You will then be playing two songs – the first song will be the cover of your choice (please choose appropriately). You will perform the cover song first, then straight into your own song. You will need to shorten your cover song to below 2 ½ minutes the purpose of the cover is to allow sound production crew to make you sound the best you can sound. You will then sing your original song straight away. This can be no longer than 3 ½ minutes. Your total set will be 6 mins max per entry.
- You will not be judged on the cover song, only on your original song
- In the event that there are more than 14 entries, AUDITIONS will be held, as we have a limited number of performance slots. If you are successful at auditions and go on to the live show. Should the need for auditions arise we will contact you and provide all the necessary details.
Entry Refusal:
The Organisers reserve the right to refuse entries that:
- Are or pose a risk of being defamatory or in breach of third party intellectual property rights
- Contain material that is confidential, commercially sensitive, invasive of personal privacy or which may cause personal distress or loss
- Contain language or imagery that is offensive, obscene or hurtful within the context it is presented, and/or
- Are contrary to any law.
Originality & Copyright:
- The entrant(s) must be the original author of the work entered as described in the Copyright Act 1994.
- The entrant(s) must be the legal copyright owner of the work entered.
- In entering the competition, the entrant(s) grant permission for the Eastern Bay of Plenty Family Safety Events Committee and the ‘It’s not Ok’ Campaign Sponsor to utilise the music and/or words of the winning entry to form part of the continued campaign of awareness raising for a period of two years.
- The Organisers acknowledge the moral rights provision of the Copyright Act 1994, including the right to be identified as the creator of the work and the right to object to derogatory treatment of the work. To preserve the artistic integrity of the entry, no work will be intentionally edited, altered, demeaned or misrepresented in any way.
- The Organisers reserve the right to verify the validity of entries and reserve the right to disqualify any entry not in accordance with these conditions of entry.
- Should an entry breach copyright, the entrant(s) will be disqualified from the competition and will also be liable for any costs incurred.
- The Judges will be made up of a mixture of people, some with musical experience and others related to sponsorship and the kaupapa of the event. Some are local, some aren’t….
- The Judges will be using note sheets – Safe to say they are likely to be looking for your message as well as lyric content/ musical ability/vocal ability/presence and professionalism. How the audience reacts to you will be important too.
- The judges’ decision is final. None of the Event Organisers/Committee will be on the Judging Panel.
Show Night
On the Night:
- All acts are required to have arrived and registered with the front desk no later than 4:30pm. You will be notified of the runtimes closer to the Event. You will be in the green room with the other entrants and your support people until you perform. Once your performance is done you can then choose to join the audience. Each Act will be required to remain at the venue until the Song Quest has ended – after all you could be the Winner!! There will be an opportunity for you to practise on the stage between 2.30pm and 5pm. Please be mindful that we will still be setting up during this time. You will be notified of your practise time prior to the event to which you must arrive on time.
- Each act will be required to be ready 10 minutes prior to their performance slot and to make themselves available to the Stage Manager, who will then give you your instructions.
- Changing Rooms will be provided for acts prior/post their performance.
- Each act can have a support crew of up to 2 people with them in the green room. All friends and whanau are more than welcome to attend the Song Quest and will need to obtain their own seats upon their arrival. Seating will be on a first come, first served basis.
- This is a drug, gang regalia and alcohol free event. Anyone under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol at the event will be asked to leave. Any Act found to be in possession of, or under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol, will be disqualified immediately from the competition. This also applies to anyone found to be wearing gang regalia (i.e. patches/ colours)
- In-kind prizes are not transferable and cannot be redeemed for cash.
Equipment provided at the Venue:
- A Tourpro drum kit
- bass amplifier/stack
- 2 electric guitar amplifiers
- Up to 10 vocal microphones with stands
- Instrument microphones for brass section, if required.
- Sound/lighting/backline and video are being provided and run by Outlet Productions.
If you have any specific requirements please contact Outlet Productions on 07 308 9161.
What to Bring with you:
- Whatever instruments you will be using (i.e. guitars/keyboards/percussion gear/laptops etc) – please advise us of your equipment upon arrival so we can ensure the right things are in the right place at the right time.
- Costumes/Clothing etc as required
Should you have any queries or any specific needs, please feel free get intouch yeahnahitsnotok@gmail.com.
- The Event will be videoed in full and used in subsequent campaign work to raise awareness around Domestic/Family/Partner/Violence and Bullying, and also in the organisation of a subsequent event.
- By entering this Event, and signing the attached permission slip, you are giving permission to the Event Organisers (Have a Heart Charitable Trust), Eastern Bay of Plenty Family Safety Network, the It’s Not Ok Campaign for the Ministry of Social Development and the White Ribbon Trust, to utilise the song and video (in part or in full) as part of a broader campaign. If you have any questions or is this poses a risk for you, please let us know.
- Competition Organisers and Sponsors may use photos of the winners. They may also promote and publish information about winners’ entries and they may also hold interviews with winners for publicity purposes. We will support you with these, please do not allow media to interview you on your own.
- There will be pre-event and post-event publicity in local media, on our Facebook page and that of linked Organisations such as The White Trust, The Have a Heart Charitable Trust, Family Works Northern etc. These are all Not For Profit Organisations and/or Campaigns designed to improve the well being of our Communities.
- Many of you are also highly likely to be requested to perform at other Community Events over the 12 months following the Event
Getting Help
Are you being or do you know someone who is being bullied?
Bullying is not OK, it can be helpful to talk to someone about how you’re feeling. You could talk to a teacher, a parent or a friend. If you are not sure how you are feeling about it or who to talk to there are some numbers and websites that have people willing to help below
Bullying Helplines
Kids Line
Kids Line – 0800 543754
Lifeline (24hour Counselling) – 0800 543354
Music Help
Music Help (Wellbeing Service) – 0508 MUSIC HELP
The Wellbeing Service is a 24/7 online, on the phone and in-person counselling service fully funded by the NZ Music Foundation and provided free of charge to those in the Kiwi music community who can’t access the help they need due to hardship and other circumstances. Call 0508 MUSICHELP.
Need to talk
Need to talk (Counselling helpline) – 1737 (phone or text)
Nga Hau E Wha
Nga Hau E Wha (Youth Info Text Service) – 022 1667830
What's Up
What’s up (Help for NZ kids aged 5–18) – 0800 WHAT’S UP (942878)
Youthline (Counselling) – 0800 376633
Youth Service
Youth Service – www.youthservice.govt.nz
Mental Health Help
Depression Helpline
Depression Helpline – 0800 111757
Depression and Anxiety
Depression and Anxiety – 4202 (text)
Supporting Families
Supporting Families in Mental Illness – 0800 326773
Suicide Prevention
Suicide prevention Helpline – 0508 Tautoko (828865)
The LowDown
The Lowdown – 5626 (text)
Voyagers (Child and adolescent mental health service) – 0800 774545
Other Helplines
Are you OK
Are you OK (Family Violence Information Line) – 0800 456450
Alcohol and Drug
Alcohol and Drug Helpline – 0800 787 797 or online chat
Anxiety Line
Anxiety phone line – 08002694389 (0800 ANXIETY)
Bay of Plenty Sexual Assault Support Service (BOPSASS)– 0800 227 233
Gambling Helpline – 0800 654 655
Health Line (Talk to a Nurse) – 0800 111 757
Outline (LGBTIQA peer support line) – 0800 OUTLINE
Parent Line
Parent Line (for parents/whanau seeking support) – 0800 568856
Pregnancy Counselling Service – 0800 PREGNANT (773462)
Other Helplines
Quit Line – 0800 778 778 smoking cessation help
Rape Crisis
Rape Crisis – 0800 883 300 (for support after rape or sexual assault)
Senior Line
Senior line – 0800 725 463 A free information service for older people
Shakti Crisis Line
Shakti Crisis Line – 0800 742 584 (for migrant or refugee women living with family violence)
Sexual Health
Sexual Health Clinic – 0800 SAFE LOVE
Shine (Domestic Violence Helpline) – 0508 744633
Vagus Line
Vagus Line – 0800 56 76 666 (Mon, Wed, Fri 12 noon – 2pm). Promote family harmony among Chinese, enhance parenting skills, decrease conflict among family members (couple, parent-child, in-laws) and stop family violence
Victim Support
Victim support line (Assistance for victims of a crime) – 0800 VICTIM
Womens Refuge
Women’s Refuge Crisis Line – 0800 733 843 (0800 REFUGE) (for women living with violence, or in fear, in their relationship or family)
Featured Sponsors