“YOU can stop violence in the community”

White Ribbon celebrates the many men willing to show leadership and commitment to promoting safe, healthy relationships within families and encourages men to challenge each other on attitudes and behaviour that are abusive.

A family event is held each year  with fun and a sausage sizzle for all to enjoy whilst being made aware that it’s OK to ask for help; where and how to get help if you are in an abusive relationship.  Our main attraction is the Motorcycle riders coming into Town and tug-a-war competition. Everyone is invited to join in and learn how to make a difference in reducing family violence in the Eastern Bay of Plenty.

We call on everyone young and old to wear a white ribbon and also to place a white ribbon stake in the ground to make a declaration that we will not tolerate nor keep quiet about any form of violence, not only towards women but anyone in our community. Prominent spots in the community is where these stakes are available; sign posted with a special “its not ok”  sign-board.

This is an annual event run in conjunction with the “Family Events Committee” of Whakatane. This event runs every year usually in the last week in November.



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Be a silent partner with financial support; making contributions to projects or ongoing monthly contributions towards the overall goals of the Trust. You can claim tax credits of 33% for donations.


To join us contact Chris using the form to the left or

email : chris.haveaheart@gmail.com

Phone : 021903403